
擁有證照:儀表電子乙級、鉗工乙級、CNC車床工乙級、AutoCAD 2008、2010 國際認證

  1. 豐國造船工程師半年
  2. 吳鳳技術學院機械系講師
  3. 吳鳳技術學院進修學院主任
  4. 吳鳳科技大學附設進修學院教務組長
  5. 吳鳳科技大學推廣教育中心主任
  6. 吳鳳科技大學附設進修學院校務主任
  7. 吳鳳科技大學機械系副教授

  1. Y.R.Jeng, C.C.Su and C.M.Tan, “An Investigation of Nanoscale Tribological Characteristics for Different Geometrical Sliding Systems,“ Materials Science Forum Vols. 505-507, pp. 1045-1050 (2006) (SCI)
  2. Y.R.Jeng, C.C.Su and Y.T.Lay, “ Effects of Cohesive Energy on Tribological Performance of Nanoscale Sliding Systems under Different Force Fields,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Vol. 30, No.2, pp. 231-240 (2007) (SCI)
  3. Y.R.Jeng, C.C.Su and Y.T.Lay, “ An Investigation of Nanoscale Tribological Characteristics under Different interaction forces,” Applied Surface Science 253, pp. 6754-6761(2007) (SCI)
  4. Y.R.Jeng, C.C.Su , G. H. Feng and Y.Y. Peng, “ An investigation into a piezoelectrically actuated nebulizer with μEDM –made micronozzle array, ” Experimental Thermal Fluid Science 31, pp. 1147-1156(2007) (SCI)
  5. Y.R.Jeng, P.Y. Tu, G.H. Feng , C.C.Su and Y.Y. Peng , “ PZT Bimorph Actuated Atomizer Based on Higher Order Harmonic Resonance and Reduced Operating Pressure, ” Sensors and Actuators A 134, pp.434-440 (2007) (SCI)
  6. Y.R.Jeng, G.H. Feng , C.C.Su, “Droplets Ejection Apparatus and Methods ” Recent Patents on Engineering 2, pp.201-207 (2008) (EI)
  7. C.C.Su “Carbon nanotube tips for surface characterization: Fabrication and properties” Microelectronics Journal 40 pp.46–49 (2009) (SCI)
  8. 8. Y.R.Jeng, C.C.Su , G. H. Feng, Y. Y. Peng and G. P. Chien, “ A PZT-driven atomizer based on vibrated flexible membrane and micromachined trumpet-shaped nozzle array for medical application ” Microsystem Technologies 15, pp.865-873 (2009) (SCI)
  9. C.C.Su, J.L. Chen “ Effects of geometric structure, orientation and size on structural stability andthermal behavior of zinc oxide nanowires” Materials Research Bulletin134, pp.1686-1691 (2011) (SCI)
  10. Y.R. Jeng, C.M.Tan, C. C. Su, S.C. Cheng, C.Y. Cheng “ Experimental study on the nanoindentation of thin copper films from deep submicron to nano-scale” Journal of Mechanics, Vol. 28, No. 3, September ( 2012) (SCI)
  1. Effects of Cohesive Energy on Tribological Performance of Nanoscale Sliding Systems under Different Force Fields.Journal of The Chinese Institute of Engineerings.
  1. Y.R.Jeng, C.C.Su and C.M.Tan, “An Investigation of Nanoscale Tribological Characteristics for Different Geometrical Sliding Systems,” International Conference on Advanced Manufacture. November 28-December 02, 2005, Taipei , Taiwan , ROC
  2. 鄭友仁、蘇健展、辜得嘉、彭毓瑩、高天和、簡金品," 微幫浦內兩流混合模擬分析"中華民國燃燒學會第十五屆學術研討會,嘉義, 2005
  3. 鄭友仁、蘇健展、辜得嘉、彭毓瑩、高天和、簡金品,"微幫浦內兩流混合實驗及模擬分析",第十二屆全國計算流體力學學術研討會,高雄, 2005
  4. 鄭友仁、蘇健展、辜得嘉、彭毓瑩、高天和、簡金品,"壓電式微幫浦噴射探討",第二十二屆中國機械工程師全國學術研討會,桃園, 2005
  5. 蘇健展、蔡政育,"運動健身器材之台灣專利分析~以「跑步機」為例” International Conference on Safety &Security Management and Engineering Technology, Chiayi ,2009
  6. C.C. Su, Y. R. Jeng, G. H. Feng, “An investigation of a PZT Actuated Atomizer” International Conference on Safety &Security Management and Engineering Technology, Chiayi ,2009
